Personal Care

What is Personal Care? 

Personal care is providing support for everyday activities to individuals who may be challenged by age, illness, disabilities, or other circumstances. This type of care helps maintain a person’s dignity, cleanliness, and well-being. Personal care services are designed to help individuals maintain their independence, quality of life, and dignity while meeting their physical and emotional requirements. Personal care is usually provided by caregivers trained to be sensitive and respectful of the individual’s privacy.

Choose Alma Care for Personal Care Services at Home

You may find it more difficult to perform daily tasks in your home as you age or develop a medical condition. We at Alma Care are committed to helping you maintain your independence and live in safety and confidence in your home.

Our personal care services at home help you with household and personal tasks to maintain a high quality of life. Our daily personal care services can be tailored to your needs. 

 Key Aspects Of Personal Care

  • Assisting individuals with bathing and showering.
  • Helping people with grooming tasks like hair, shaving, and nail care as well as selecting suitable clothes and dressing.
  • Helping people with the use of the toilet, controlling urinary tract problems, and guaranteeing hygiene and comfort.
  • Assisting people moving safely around, including walking, utilizing mobility aids, and getting from bed to a chair.
  • Helping oneself to food and beverages. ensuring that dietary requirements are satisfied. encouraging healthy eating and drinking.
  • The right dosage and schedule for each patient’s prescription medication.

Advantages of Receiving Personal Care at Home

Receiving personal care at home offers numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your quality of life. Here are some key advantages:

Comfort and Familiarity 

It is beneficial to those with cognitive impairments or dementia to stay in their own homes, as they can remain in an environment that’s comfortable and familiar.

Increased Independence

Personal care at your home can help you maintain an independence level by assisting you with everyday activities. This allows you to live life according to your terms.

Improved Well-Being

Staying home can improve mental and emotional health, as it reduces feelings of stress and anxiety that may come from moving to a different living environment.

Family involvement

The involvement of family members and friends in home care can be very valuable for emotional and social well-being.


It can be cheaper to receive care at home than in residential care facilities. This is especially true for those who only need part-time services or specialized support.

Continued Care

Consistent caregivers who understand your needs and preferences will ensure continuity of care and foster a comfortable and trusting relationship.

Health and Safety

Personal care services can reduce the risk of infections and other health problems that are more common in institutions, and also help with medication and treatment plans.