Dementia Care

What is Dementia?

Dementia refers to the symptoms and conditions affecting normal brain function and memory. It is a progressive disease that can make life outside of the home difficult.

The brain consists of billions of neurons (nerve cells) that communicate through chemical signals. Dementia can cause these neurons to degenerate, which makes it difficult for the brain to function normally.

Its effects on the body can be mild at first, but they become increasingly severe as the disease progresses. The symptoms of dementia are determined by two factors: the cause of dementia.

  • The cause of dementia
  • The affected brain areas

What is Dementia Care?

Dementia Care is all about providing Dementia patients with the necessary support to live at home and lead a fulfilling life. Our medical specialists at Alma Care are always available to help you and your loved ones create a routine to promote as much independence as possible.

What we do

Our team of dementia experts provides specialized care in the comfort of your own home. Our personalised dementia home care services help in managing symptoms and providing emotional support. We are aware of the difficulties associated with living with dementia, and we aim to provide solutions. Our services help maintain a familiar routine and environment so that your loved one can continue to enjoy special moments.

Shifting into new routines or environments can be difficult for people with dementia. Home care is more important than residential care because it allows your loved one the freedom to remain in familiar surroundings. Our services are flexible and compassionate, tailored to the unique needs of your family. Please contact us for more information about our dementia care services.